Did you know you can lease a cobot palletising system for around £59 per day? This makes for large savings if you are currently employing someone to palletise goods off your production line, and also has the added benefit of removing the risk of repetitive strain injuries occurring.
With leasing you start making savings from the day the palletiser is installed, and at the end of the lease period the palletiser becomes yours for a small nominal fee of 1%. It will then continue to work well for you for many years to come; giving you even greater savings without the lease payments.
There are three main types of cobot palletiser cells, each of which can be either double or single lane systems. A double lane system has two pallet stack positions and a single lane system has one pallet stack position.
Cobot Palletiser System without Additional Safety

The image above shows an example of a cobot palletising system without any additional safety. This system will palletise at collaborative speeds only as there is no additional safety to allow it to run at industrial speeds.
Cobot Palletiser System with Guarding

The image above shows an example of a cobot palletising system with guarding. The system has guarding around three sides of the cell, and a light curtain across the front. This enables the system to run in fast industrial robot mode unless the light curtain is broken. When the light curtain is broken, the robot will continue to palletise but the speed will slow to collaborative mode. Once the light curtain is reset, it will then palletise in the fast industrial mode again.
Cobot Palletiser System with Area Scanner

The image above shows an example of a cobot palletiser with safety area scanners around it. There are typically three area scanners which will scan the area around the cobot. The cobot will palletise product at industrial speeds, then when the area scanner detects motion within the set area, it will slow to collaborative mode and continue to palletise at collaborative speeds. Once the area is clear and the scanners reset, it will then run in industrial mode again.
If you would like pricing for purchasing or leasing collaborative robots, simple contact us on 01223 499488 or helpline@granta-automation.co.uk, or click here to fill in your details and receive a budget quote.